Car Wash
Squeaky clean.

- Matty Harris
- 2 min read

After bringing our Rabbit into our garage, we discovered that it was completely covered with a thick film of dust. While this makes for an excellent drawing medium, it’s not exactly easy on the eyes. We figured we wouldn’t give our Rabbit a complete deep clean, considering that the work we’re planning on doing will probably end up covering it in a layer of grime again anyway. That said, we wanted to give our car a basic wash to get the coat of dust off and reveal the paint that’s actually in really good condition. Now, as people who have never even changed a tire before, we had absolutely no tools suitable for cleaning the car. Not even any rags that won’t scratch up the paint. So, we had to source some supplies. We bought a couple of microfiber cloths for about two bucks and about a gallon of car wash soap for less than ten. We invited over one of Zack’s friends and gave the car a good scrub.
We started by taking some of the wet cloths and removing as much dust as we could. After rinsing out the cloths in a bucket, the water turned an appetizing poop brown color and became almost completely opaque. Using some fresh rags, we then soaped up the car. Rinsing off the soap proved to be a bit of a challenge. In our garage, there aren’t any hoses or sinks to be seen, let alone any drains that aren’t just plugged up. So we had to push the car just outside the garage door, drag a long hose down, and wash the soap off into a storm drain. To all the former fish in the Mystic River, we offer our apologies.
Although we didn’t go for a deep clean, the final product ended up being not too shabby. After looking past the interior which you’d be forgiven for thinking previously housed a family of rats and tigers, you can actually see how well the paint has held up after 41 years. You can even see your reflection in it!
Squeaky clean.